Østre Krematorium Østre Krematorium (Eastern Crematorium) in Oslo, Norway. Kåre Jonsborg´s mosaics: “Årstidene” (“the Four Seasons”). The artist was instructed to make this none religous. Therefore, the theme of the four seasons with the man sowing corn was chosen. Photo: Kåre Jonsborg´s photo archive Østre Krematorium (Eastern Crematorium) in Oslo, Norway. Kåre Jonsborg´s mosaics: “Årstidene” (“the Four Seasons”). The artist was instructed to make this none religous. Therefore, the theme of the four seasons with the man sowing corn was chosen. Photo: Frode Helland Østre Krematorium (Eastern Crematorium) in Oslo, Norway. Kåre Jonsborg´s mosaics: “Årstidene” (“the Four Seasons”). The artist´s wife Kirsten Jonsborg assisted in the making. Photo: Kåre Jonsborg´s photo archive Østre Krematorium (Eastern Crematorium) in Oslo, Norway. Kåre Jonsborg´s mosaics: “Årstidene” (“the Four Seasons”). The artist at work. Photo: Kåre Jonsborg´s photo archive Østre Krematorium (Eastern Crematorium) in Oslo, Norway. Kåre Jonsborg´s mosaics: “Årstidene” (“the Four Seasons”). Details of the works in the making. Photo: Kåre Jonsborg´s photo archive